In order to move your site from your current hosting provider, you need to:

  1. Open an account with us. Once the account is opened, you will receive a welcome email message. It will contain the necessary login and name server information.
  2. Upload your site's content on our server. You also need to create all mailboxes you need through the online Control Panel. There is more information on moving your email service from another provider to us in this article. If your website uses server-side scripting, you should note that the languages we support on our servers are Perl, PHP, Python, TCL and Ruby. We also support MySQL databases. If your site uses MySQL, you would need to import the database content into your account and configure your software to connect to it with the settings on our end.
    If your previous host utilizes cPanel, you may transfer your data by importing a cPanel archive. Check this section of our Online Manual for details:
  3. Test your website on our servers and verify that everything is working correctly. You can do this by updating your hosts file and deleting the cache of your browser and local DNS. You can find step-by-step instructions on how to perform these actions in our "Using your local hosts file", "Clearing browser cache", and "Clearing local DNS cache" articles.
  4. Point your domain name to your account with us after you have verified that everything is working properly. This can be done by updating its name servers with the ones included in the welcome email message. You can change the name servers of your domain at your domain name registrar (the company through which you have registered the domain name).

After you switch the name servers, you should allow up to 24 hours for the DNS propagation to take place.