When deleting a message via Roundcube or Webmail Classic, it will be moved to your Trash mailbox folder by default. You can change this behavior by changing your message deletion settings. The process will vary depending on your webmail client of choice:


To configure your message deletion settings in Roundcube, you need to open the Settings task from the main menu, select the Preferences setting, and select Server Settings.

There you will find the following message deletion settings which are disabled by default:

  • Mark the message as read on delete allows you to mark messages as read upon deletion.
  • Flag the message for deletion instead of delete allows you to mark the message for deletion instead of moving it to the trash folder. If this option is enabled, you will need to compact your mailbox folders to delete the messages marked for deletion in them.
  • Do not show deleted messages allows you to choose if messages that are marked for deletion should be visible or not in your mailbox folders.
  • Directly delete messages in Junk allows you to permanently delete messages from your Junk Mail folder instead of moving them to your Trash folder.
  • Clear Trash on logout allows you to clear the Trash folder automatically upon logout.
  • Compact Inbox on logout allows you to compact your Inbox folder automatically upon logout.

Additional details about the available settings are available in the Preferences article from Roundcube's official documentation.

Webmail Classic

If you wish to change the default message deletion behavior in Webmail Classic, click on the Options tab from the main menu, go to General Options, and select your preferred option from the Delete options drop-down menu. The available options are:

  • Move to Trash will move deleted messages to your Trash folder. This is option is selected by default.
  • Delete permanently will delete messages from your mailbox permanently.
  • Mark as Deleted will only mark the message for deletion. If you use this option, you will need to compact your mailbox folders to delete the messages marked for deletion in them.