The Prices tab allows you to view and manage the prices that will be displayed on your storefront, and also to enable and disable products from the Products Catalog. The displayed table contains several columns:

  • Path - lists the product the row applies to.
  • Purpose - shows whether the price is configured for an initial order ("Order") or for renewing an existing subscription ("Renewal").
  • Location - physical location of the servers on which the product is available, if applicable. For example, the location is relevant for hosting plans, but not for domain registrations.
  • Period (non-editable) - the period for which the price applies.
  • Base price (non-editable) - this is our (ICDSoft's) base price for the specific product.
  • Base price (in store currency) (non-editable) - this is the base price converted to the main currency of the store.
  • Price you pay (non-editable) - this is the reseller price that you (the reseller) are paying us (ICDSoft) for the specific product. This is the base order price with our promotional or your reseller discounts (whichever is bigger) applied to it.
  • Profit (indirectly editable) - this is the profit you will make on each sale of the particular product. The profit is the difference between Store price and Price you pay.
  • Store price (editable) - this is the price that will be shown on your website and that your customers will have to pay you for the particular product. Increasing this price will increase your Profit.
  • Active (editable) - this setting allows you to enable/disable products in your online store.
Modifying prices

You can modify multiple prices quickly and easily using the calculator controls above the table on the Prices tab.

The filter field (with the magnifying glass icon) allows you to select only the products you want to update. All currently applied filters are listed in this field. Note that clicking on the links in the first few columns of the table will also add relevant filters automatically.

The rest of the controls can be used to apply similar changes to the prices of all selected products:

  • The first drop-down menu and the Amount field next to it allow you to set the same fixed price for the selected products, or to modify their current prices by a certain percentage or fixed amount. Using negative values in the Amount field will decrease prices accordingly.
  • The next drop-down menu lets you choose on which price the calculation will be based:
    • Store price - this is the price you set for products in your store.
    • Base price (in store currency) - this is the base price of the product converted to the main currency of your store.
    • Price you pay - this is the reseller price you pay us, with all relevant promotional and reseller discounts applied.
  • The Round to dropdown can be used to set the fractional part of your store price to a fixed amount.
  • The Calculate button updates the Store price according to your selection.
  • The Base Prices button sets the value of the Base price as the Store price for the selected products.
  • The Reset button reverts any unsaved changes.
  • The Save button saves the modified prices, and the new ones will be used on your online store.

For example, if you want to increase all listed prices with 20 percent, you need to set the drop-down menu to Change by percentage, enter 20 in the Amount field, press the Calculate button, and finally press the Save button.

Important: If a change in the Base Price of an item occurs and you have calculated the prices in your store based on a percentage, the Store pricewill not be automatically updated after the change. You will need to manually re-calculate and save the Store price item after each update of its Base price.

Setting different prices for multiple periods

By default, prices for multiple periods are calculated by multiplying the price for the default period by the number of periods in the order. For example, the price for ordering a hosting account on a shared plan for three years will be three times the one-year store price for the hosting plan.

If you want to set different prices for different periods (for instance, if you want to create a discount that applies to two-year orders, but not to one-year orders), you should enable the Manage All Periods & Their Prices option. This will allow you to manage the prices separately for each period, up to the maximum configured for the product.

Note that if you do that and you change prices for different periods, disabling the option Manage All Periods & Their Prices will cause all prices for more than one period to again be calculated automatically based on multiplication of the default period. This option takes effect only for the current online store.

Fine-grained control over prices for grouped products

If you want to set different prices for the same product in different product groups (for example, if you want to offer free .ORG domain registrations with a particular hosting plan but not with other plans or other top-level domains), you can enable the Extended View checkbox.

This will cause all prices for all product groups to be displayed, and you will be able to filter them further and modify only the ones you want. The change will take effect for all online stores in your account.

Enable/disable products

You can enable or disable products for your online store by toggling their Active status on the Prices tab.