You may be wondering why the image for this post is a sleeping cat. The answer comes from the cat…
The nominations for the 2019 .eu Web Awards are open. Read our post for more details on how to nominate your preferred site.
The newest section of our Control Panel – WordPress – lets you control your managed WordPress installations. Join us below to see how it will let you develop, update and migrate sites faster and easier.
We don’t offer phone support, and we have very good reasons for this. Read our post for some interesting details.
If your website is built with WordPress, you have a huge target on your back, and that’s why we will…
You may have read about the recently discovered security vulnerabilities in two WordPress plugins – YellowPencil Visual Theme Customizer and…
We’ve been working on some great new features, and many of them are already here. Read our post for more details.
Looking for an alternative to WordPress? Read our article where we review eight CMS solutions that take on this hard task.