If you have a standard hosting plan that includes emails, should you still prefer a third-party email provider, or can you use the email service of your hosting provider? In this article, we will explore whether the email service of your web hosting provider can compete with that of large email providers.
If you want to launch a new website, you can use a pre-made framework with templates, or a custom-made website. Either option has its pros and cons, so if you have not decided which one to choose, you can read our article. We will look at some of the advantages and disadvantages of either option.
You have probably heard the term “cookies” many times. What exactly are cookies, though? We will answer that question and we will look at some system attributes of the cookies as well as at the future of cookies in the online world.
Heading tags are small pieces of HTML code that indicate the page and paragraph titles. We will look at the different types of tags and some good practices you should follow when you add heading tags on your website.
Does the PHP version you use affect WordPress performance? Yes, yes it does. The more recent PHP version you use, the faster your WordPress site will load. In this blog post we’ll compare how WordPress performs on 4 different PHP versions.
Google announced they would be discontinuing the G Suite legacy free edition. And although they have since backed down a bit and will allow it for non-commercial purposes, now is the perfect time to take your data and move it to your own account.
If you are a real estate agent, reaching as many people as possible is vital for your business and what better way to do that than a website? You can share much more information online than on cards/leaflets, and you will get much more exposure as people will be able to check your listings 24/7. This will give you the opportunity to stand out among your competitors.
Sometimes scam emails are sent to domain or hosting owners in an attempt to steal a service or extort money. We will look at five of the most common scams – in what way the scammers are trying to trick you and what you can do to protect yourself from such scam attempts.
Can you measure if your website attracts quality traffic? Can you somehow quantify the behavior of your visitors once they land on the site? In this article, we will look at some of the ways to analyze the traffic to your site and the interaction between the site and its visitors.
Your website needs a logo, but is it difficult to choose one? Are there guidelines to create a good logo or any tips and tricks to use it more effectively? You will find the answers to these questions in our article.