A lot of web agencies underestimate the importance of hosting, and that's where you can stand out. Gone are the days when hosting could be an after-thought.
- Reseller Discounts Table
- Superior Customer Service
- Dynamic Overdraft System
- Customers Can Purchase Hosting Directly From Your Website
The Internet technology has evolved and improved so dramatically in recent years that it has actually spoiled most users. The dial-up days are like a century ago and now people expect websites to load up in an instant. Google uses the load times of websites as a ranking factor in their search ranking algorithm.
DoubleClick by Google found 53% of mobile site visits were abandoned if a page took longer than 3 seconds to load.
And it's not just about load times. You can't have any downtime either. Of course, having absolutely zero downtime during a calendar year is nearly impossible. However, the importance of having a reliable host is crucial for web agencies.
Our hosting servers are built with the most reliable components featuring 2x twelve-core Intel Xeon Silver 4116 processors, 128 GB RAM, and RAID 6 disk arrays built of solid-state disks (SSDs). The average uptime of our servers is 99.9% and you can monitor our network status page here.
Going back to the point of establishing a recurring revenue stream, web agencies can take advantage of our reseller program and get discounts up to 90% on new accounts and 50% on renewals. The discounts are based on the number of active hosting accounts you have. You can refer to the discounts table below for more information on the current volume discounts.
If you reach 6 active hosting accounts, you will be able to open new accounts with 90% discount.
Reseller Discounts Table
Existing accounts | Renewal | New account |
1 | 20% | 40% |
2 | 25% | 50% |
3 | 30% | 60% |
4 | 35% | 70% |
5 | 40% | 80% |
6 | 45% | 90% |
7+ | 50% | 90% |
Superior Customer Service
We are sure you've dealt with web hosting companies or other Internet-based businesses that take days to answer a simple question related to their services. Such delays can harm your business and we take great pride in delivering a support service that's not only of the highest quality, but quite fast as well.
We respond to each support ticket within 15 minutes, and to each email message within one hour.
The end clients of your web agency would be able to make use of our support system for whatever technical questions they might have at no extra cost. As long as they have the Control Panel credentials, they can open an account for the ticketing system at https://tickets.suresupport.com/register.
Dynamic Overdraft System
We have added an overdraft system to our Reseller Plan allowing web agencies reselling our services to order/renew services without having to submit payments immediately. We do not impose any interest rates or additional taxes when the overdraft system is used. The idea is to just make it easier for web agencies to conduct business as there is no need to submit payment for each and every transaction. Note that the overdraft is available as an option on the checkout screen, so you can still submit an actual payment if you wish.
The allowed overdraft is reculculated every month based on the number of active accounts claimed in the reseller account. If your account is eligible to receive overdraft, you will see it on the Account Balance section in the Reseller Panel.
The overdraft comes with an expiration date. If you have not settled it by the time the expiration date comes, you would not be able to renew or purchase any services. Again though, no penalties or interest rates are applied in that event. Once you are ready, you can settle all purchases with a single payment. Then, if the account is still eligible, the overdraft will be extended with another month.
Web agencies can opt of our overdraft system. You can contact our Support Team via http://www.suresupport.com to have it permanently disabled.
Customers Can Purchase Hosting Directly From Your Website
We have developed a storefront solution, allowing you to sell our products at your own prices on the website of your web agency. The end result is an order form that you can have on your site, so that customers can purchase their hosting package or other hosting-related services (domain names, SSL certificates) directly from you.
You can integrate the order form on your existing website or you can set up a new website specifically based on selling hosting services making you appear like an actual web hosting provider. Of course, a prerequisite here is to have an actual reseller account with us. In case you don't, you can register for a free hosting reseller account.
Once you have a reseller account, you can log in to the Reseller Panel and navigate to the Online Stores section. It allows you (the reseller) to set up a new store or manage your existing ones.
When setting up a new store, you have the option to set your own prices for all products that we offer. Afterwards, you can place an order form on your website, so that your own customers and website visitors can purchase white-labelled hosting solutions directly from you. The identity of ICDSoft as the actual hosting provider would not be revealed to your end customers.
During the setup phase, you can select the payment processors that will be available to your customers. You will have to create your own account at the payment processor(s) of your choice, and then provide its details in the configuration of your online store. As of this moment, the supported payment processors are - PayPal, 2Checkout, PayDollar, PayU.com, Stripe, Skrill, Bank Transfer, Check, Cash Payment, Wester Union, Authorize.Net, ePay.bg.
Once you have configured your online store, you can access the Download Widget tab. It allows you to download the site widget, which is a web application developed by our software engineers that will display an order form on your website. It's basically the front end of your store, with the products and prices you have set. The widget connects dynamically to your Reseller Panel, so any future changes you make to your products and prices will be reflected immediately on your website (store front end).
When a visitor places an order on your website through the form and completes the payment using your payment processor account, this will also be reflected in your Reseller Panel. If you have sufficient balance in your reseller account and the Order Auto Processing has been turned on, we will automatically bill your reseller account (the billed price will include your reseller discount), and your end customer will receive the ordered service. No action would be required on your behalf. This allows you to accept and process hosting orders 24/7 and your customers will receive a Welcome Email with the account details and settings within minutes.
In general, the process of setting up an online store is the following:
- Create and configure an online store through the Online Stores section of the Reseller Panel. You will be asked to select the products you wish to resell and set the respective price that you will charge your own customers.
- Create an account with at least one of the supported payment processors.
- Download the online store widget, upload it to your site, and configure it.
- (optional) Set up a reseller balance, to process orders automatically.