Server/System Specifications

  • Operating system
  • Software platform
  • Error 500 (Internal Server Error)
  • Apache error codes (401, 403, 404, 412, 500)
  • Hardware configuration
  • Information in Apache log files
  • Live HTTP Logs
  • Apache and FTP access logs
  • Mail Server Logs
  • Using mod_gzip
  • Using mod_deflate
  • Using mod_speling
  • Using mod_brotli
  • How to use .htaccess files
  • Using .ftpaccess files
  • Using robots.txt files
  • Using FastCGI + OPcache (deprecated)
  • Transitioning from FastCGI to FPM
  • Error "412 Precondition Failed" (mod_security2)
  • IP addresses and DNS service
  • Creating a directory named "icons"
  • "Unable to start another process" message
  • Logging POST requests with mod_security