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The "Billing" > "Account Balance" section provides information about the current amount that is available for the reseller account as a credit or overdraft, as well as all transactions that involve a change of the account balance. This section will not include payments for services that you order and pay immediately.
You can deposit money directly into your account by using the "Refill Account Balance" form on the "Billing" > "Account Balance" section. The allowed amount depends on your currency and the current balance of the account, and it can be checked when you hover with your mouse over the "i" icon next to the input field's name. Shortly after you process the payment, the refill amount will appear as a credit on your reseller account. The "Refill Account Balance" form will not appear if your account balance is over the maximum allowed credit amount.
An account balance might be funded also by actions such as refunds or compensations.
VAT may be applied to account balance refill payments if you or your business operate in an EU country subjected to VAT. If applicable, VAT will be calculated and displayed automatically on the payment page, based on the invoice details you listed for the account in the Invoice Details tab of the My Account section.
If there is available credit balance for the reseller account, it will appear as a default payment option on the payment screen.
You can choose not to use the balance for the current payment by unchecking its box. If the credit amount is not enough to cover the required payment, you will have the option to submit just the difference between the available credit and the required payment.
Payments for hosting services with the account balance are without VAT. If applicable, VAT will be added to your balance clear or refill payments.
If for any reason your balance is funded with payments in different currencies, the currency will be preserved in the balance as is. This means that you will actually have a balance for each currency in which you have transactions. If credit balance is available in more than one currency, on the payment screen you will be able to choose which currency (and its balance) to use to cover the payment.
The section "Account Balance Transactions" lists all transactions that involve a change of the account balance. You can filter the displayed transactions by currency, or by date. You can also export transactions in a CSV file, by using the link below the transactions list.
If, for any reason, you have to submit a relatively small amount (under USD 5.00) through the Account Panel, we may choose not to require an immediate payment for it. Instead, we will add it as a debit to your account balance, and the amount will be added to your next payment, whenever that comes.
The overdraft is a feature that allows you to order services without submitting a payment right away. Instead, the amount of the ordered services is accumulated, and you can cover all purchased services for the month with a single payment (Monthly Bill).
If your account has an enabled overdraft, this will be reflected on the "Billing" > "Account Balance" screen, and you can use the overdraft as a payment method on the Checkout screen. As long as you have not reached the overdraft limit or due date, you can pay with it. When the overdraft expires, you will have to cover the negative balance on the account. Then the overdraft would be re-enabled, so that you can use it again (see Overdraft eligibility and amount).
By default, the length of the overdraft period is 30 days, counted from the day on which the overdraft is enabled.
If the sum of the used overdraft is less than 5% from the total allowed overdraft, we may choose not to require a payment for it when the overdraft due date comes. Instead, we could extend the overdraft and transfer the amount as a used overdraft for the next month.
We do not impose any kind of interest rates or additional taxes on using the overdraft.
The overdraft amount is calculated according to a dynamic formula, based on the number of accounts/services in the Account Panel. It considers the number of hosting accounts/additional services, their type, and the period they are prepaid for.
Also, there is a minimum level - the overdraft would be enabled only if the calculated amount is USD 100.00 or more. Example non-limiting scenarios in which the account will have an enabled overdraft are:
minimum 10 Economy plans for one year,
minimum 8 Business plans for one year,
a combination of the above - for example, 6 Business plans and 3 Economy plans for one year,
1 active First Class plan.
Generally, the more active services you have in your Account Panel and the longer they are prepaid for, the greater the amount of the allowed overdraft will be.
The overdraft eligibility is calculated in real time. It is enabled at the moment your account reaches the required threshold. After that, when you add more services to the account, the overdraft allowance will increase. Once the overdraft due date is reached and the used overdraft is cleared by refilling the account balance (Monthly Bill), the overdraft amount will be recalculated again. If the allowed overdraft is still over USD 100.00, then it will be extended with another 30 days.
The Overdraft operates under the following schedule:
Day 1: This is the date on which your Overdraft is enabled. This happens automatically, once the account reaches overdraft eligibility. You will receive an email notification when the overdraft is enabled.
Day 1 - Day 30: This is the period in which your overdraft is active, and you can use it as a payment method. The allowed overdraft will increase with each newly purchased or renewed account. It is also possible to cover the outstanding overdraft amount at any time during this period. If this happens after the 23-rd day of the overdraft period (less than 7 days until its due date), then the due date will be automatically extended with another 30 days.
Day 30: Overdraft expiration/due date. If you do not have an outstanding balance on this date, the overdraft will be recalculated, and extended if the allowed overdraft amount is over USD 100.00. If you do have an outstanding balance, then the overdraft will be blocked temporarily, and you will no longer be able to pay using it. You need to cover the outstanding balance, and then the overdraft will be recalculated - and eventually extended with 30 days.
Day 30 - Day 44: In this period, you will be able to make payments using alternative payment methods, but the overdraft remains blocked, unless you cover the outstanding balance on it.
Day 44: If not yet covered, the outstanding amount becomes immediately required. You will not be able to make further purchases through the Reseller Panel without clearing the outstanding balance on the account. Also, it is possible the purchased and still unpaid services to be terminated.
Once the due amount is covered, and if the overdraft is eligible for extension, the overdraft due date will be extended with 30 days - "Day 30" of the old period would become "Day 1" of the new period.
No setup fees. Minimum contract period for shared hosting services - 12 months. Full prepayment for the contract period. 100-day money-back guarantee. No automatic renewal. Fees for domain registrations and SSL certificates cannot be refunded in case of an early contract termination.